Signatories to the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action agreed to a set of targets including halving emissions by 2030, switching to low-carbon materials and scaling renewable energy across their supply chain. A special event organized by UN Climate Change explored on Nov.11th which solutions are already being applied across the fashion sector and what more still needs to be done. It will feature voices from fashion brands, suppliers and industry coalitions.
Under the auspices of UN Climate Change, fashion stakeholders worked during 2018 to identify ways in which the broader textile, clothing and fashion industry can move towards an holistic commitment to climate action. They created the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action which contains the vision to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The Fashion Industry Charter was launched at COP24 in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018 and renewed at COP26 in Glasgow, UK, in November 2021.
The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action goes beyond previous industry-wide commitments. Work under Fashion Charter for Climate Action is guided by its mission to drive the fashion industry to net-zero Greenhouse Gas emissions no later than 2050 in line with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees.
Under UN Climate Change, the Signatories and Supporting Organizations of the Charter will work collaboratively to deliver on the commitments enshrined in the document. This will be done through Working Groups, which will bring together relevant stakeholders, experts and initiatives in the fashion and broader textile sector.
The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, with its Working Groups, will identify and amplify best practices, strengthen existing efforts, identify and address gaps, facilitate and strengthen collaboration among relevant stakeholders join resources and share tools to enable the sector to achieve its climate targets.
The industry charter specifies the following overarching areas of work to be further developed by specific Working Groups:
Decarbonization pathway and GHG emission reductions
Raw material
Policy engagement
Leveraging existing tools and initiatives
Promoting broader climate action
Brand/Retailer Owned or Operated Emissions
UN declared: