together to \mpact and \nspire
We strive to promote and increase the \mpact that our Member Leaders and Partner Communities are naturally generating on the Planet
through their business.
Through their Actions we measure our own Key Performance \mpact Indicator (KPII®) and an overall Return on Sustainability Action (ROSA®).
We endeavor to support our partners and achieve our collective sustainability goals in the most inclusive and systematic way.
We create a powerful brain trust amongst our partners, to harvest our collective knowledge and channel it in Think-DO Tanks and education Courses with leading Institutions, restlessly pushing the boundaries of sustainable innovation.
The Executive Award (TEA), founded in 2018, is our other side of the coin and it allows us to \nspire other humans by Honoring Sustainable Leaders who set the bar higher across industries and communities, raising awareness through storytelling.
Furthermore, as a natural generator of Transformative Partnerships, we aim to enhance connectivity amongst our community members and to multiply their \impact, facilitating continued guidance and diversification, networking and support within our community of unique leaders.
We believe that Change also comes from Education, reason why we target a relevant part of our funds to that purpose, with a glocal-community focus, together with our partners and the major Institutions.
About U\ "modus operandi":
We are peculiar in our pursuit of the SDGs, we choose reachable goals with a long-term vision and we believe in the value of small but concrete single actions.
We shape the future step-by-step, making an overall difference on the world through coordinate actions, thanks to our committed network, our connections with Institutions across many Countries and especially thanks to our Partners who trust us and helps us accelerate our initiatives.
Thanks to our experts we have 3 main competences:
Creating positive and multi-lateral partnerships
Investment Diversification
Reputation positioning
We also help our Partners to execute their Sustainability Plans (and compliance) and to find the right innovative Communication and executive Public Relations strategy in this delicate and complex field.
\ Become our
Become one of or Partners to build a more Sustainable World with us.
We propose a wide range of Investment Options and connected Benefits, depending on your goals and purposes toward our mission.
Investments are possible as an Individual or a Corporate and each option is customizable in Benefits and Time.
thanks to our collaborations with Institutions and Universities.
Aspire to impact all core subsectors beyond transition to Earth 2.0 Net Positive

Overview of potential Think-DO Tanks and Education Courses in our pipeline:
once we inform each community and enstabilish partnerships among Stakeholders and Institutions, we launch a Think-DO Tank and Course in that network, on a specific topic.

Think-DO Tanks
Active Communities

USA, New York
Sept.j20th, 2024 \
U\ meets World Economic Forum
Joint Venture with WEF to match common goals and initiatives about a more sustainable world.
Read the article.
Switzerland, Lugano @LAC
✓ Oct. 3rd, 2023 \ The Executive Award,
Honoring Sustainable Leaders
United \mpact presentation during The Executive Award - Honoring Sustainable Leaders.
We will present also the ideas of Energy Pact, HealthforLife, SocialMove.
Switzerland, Davos
✓ Jan.j20th, 2023 \
U\ meets World Economic Forum
Joint Venture with WEF to match common goals and initiatives about a more sustainable world.
Read the article.
